*Indicates student trainee
Reid, B.M., Sokol, N., Aubuchon-Endsley, N.L., & Stroud, L. (accepted). Maternal prenatal cortisol and the interaction of income and pre-pregnancy body mass index are independently associated with newborn cortisol reactivity. Developmental Psychobiology.
Zhong, D., Reid, B, Donzella, B., Miller, B., & Gunnar, M. (in press). Early life stress and current stress predict BMI and height growth trajectories in puberty. Developmental Psychobiology. Impact-Factor: 2.531
Reid, B.M., East, P., Blanco, E., Doom, J.R., Burrows, R.A., Correa-Burrows, P., Lozoff, B., & Gahagan, S. (in press). Early life adversity is associated with poor iron status in infancy. Development & Psychopathology. Impact-Factor: 5.317
Reid, B.M., Zhong, D., Donzella, B., Howland, M., Moua, B., & Gunnar, M.R. (in press). Does rapid rebound height growth come at a neurocognitive cost for previously institutionalized youth? The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Impact-Factor: 8.265
East, P.L., Reid, B.M., Blanco, E., Burrows, R.A., Lozoff, B., & Gahagan, S (in press). Iron Supplementation given to nonanemic infants: Neurocognitive functioning at 16 years. Nutritional Neuroscience. Impact-Factor: 4.062
Reid, B. M., DePasquale, C. E., Donzella, B., Leneman, K. B., Taylor, H., & Gunnar, M.R. Pubertal transition with current life stress and support alters longitudinal diurnal cortisol patterns in adolescents exposed to early life adversity. Developmental Psychobiology. Impact-Factor: 2.531
Gunnar, M. R., Reid, B. M., Donzella, B., Miller, Z. R., Gardow, S., Tsakonas, N.C., ... & Bendezú, J. J. Validation of an online version of the Trier Social Stress Test in a study of adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 125, 105111. Impact-Factor: 4.693
Engle, M., Coe, C., Reid, B., Donzella, B., Gunnar, M. Selective inflammatory propensities in adolescents who experience severe early life adversity. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 124, 105065. Impact-Factor: 4.693
Reid, B. & Danese, A. Challenges in researching the immune pathways between early life adversity and psychopathology. Invited paper for the Minnesota Symposium special issue of Development & Psychopathology. Impact-Factor: 5.317
Simenec, T. S.,* & Reid, B. M. Refugee Children and Interventions for Depression: A Review of Current Interventions and Implications of the Ecological Context. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838020979844. Impact-Factor: 6.595
Reid, B. M., Horne, R., Donzella, B., Szamosi, J.C., Coe, C.L., Foster, J.A., & Gunnar, M. R. Microbiota-immune alterations in adolescents following early-life adversity: a proof of concept study. Developmental Psychobiology. Impact-Factor: 2.531. *A top-cited article published in Developmental Psychobiology between 1 Jan 2020-31 Dec 2021.
Doom, J.R., Reid, B.M., Nagel, E., Gahagan, S., Demerath, E.W., & Lumeng, J.C. Integrating anthropometric and cardiometabolic health methods in stress, early experiences, and development (SEED) science. Developmental Psychobiology. Impact-Factor: 2.531
Reid, B. M., Doom, J. R., Argote, R. B., Correa-Burrows, P., Lozoff, B., Blanco, E., & Gahagan, S. Pathways to inflammation in adolescence through early adversity, childhood depressive symptoms, and body mass index: A prospective longitudinal study of Chilean infants. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 86, 4-13. Impact-Factor: 19.227
Gunnar, M. R., DePasquale, C. E., Reid, B. M., & Donzella, B. Pubertal stress recalibration reverses the effects of early life stress in postinstitutionalized children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(48), 23984-23988. Impact-Factor: 12.779
Gunnar, M. R., & Reid, B. M. Early Deprivation Revisited: Contemporary Studies of the Impact on Young Children of Institutional Care. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 1, 93-118.
Doom, J. R., Reid, B. M., Blanco, E., Burrows, R., Lozoff, B., & Gahagan, S. Infant Psychosocial Environment Predicts Adolescent Cardiometabolic Risk: A Prospective Study. The Journal of pediatrics, 209, 85-91. Impact-Factor: 6.314
Reid, B. M., Coe, C. L., Doyle, C. M., Sheerar, D., Slukvina, A., Donzella, B., & Gunnar, M. R. (2019). Persistent Skewing of the T-Cell Profile in Adolescents Adopted Internationally from Institutional Care. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2019.01.001. Impact-Factor: 19.227
Reid, B.M., Harbin, M.M., Arend, J.L.,* Kelly, A.S., Dengel, D.R., Gunnar, M.R. Early Life Adversity with Height Stunting Is Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents Independent of Body Mass Index. The Journal of Pediatrics, 202, 143-149. Impact-Factor: 6.314
Reid, B., *Seu, R., Orgle, J., Roy, K., Pongolani, C., Chileshe, M., Fundira, D., & Stoltzfus, R. A Community-Designed Play-Yard Intervention to Prevent Microbial Ingestion: A Baby Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Pilot Study in Rural Zambia. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(2), 513-525. Impact-Factor: 3.707
Reid, B., Orgle, J., Roy, K., Pongolani, C., Chileshe, M., & Stoltzfus, R. Characterizing Potential Risks of Fecal-Oral Microbial Transmission for Infants and Young Children in Rural Zambia. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(3), 816. Impact-Factor: 3.707
Reid, B. M., Miller, B. S., Dorn, L. D., Desjardins, C., Donzella, B., & Gunnar, M. Early growth faltering in post-institutionalized youth and later anthropometric and pubertal development. Pediatric Research, 82(2), 278. Impact-Factor: 4.150
Ngure, F. M., Reid, B. M., Humphrey, J. H., Mbuya, M. N., Pelto, G., & Stoltzfus, R. J. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), environmental enteropathy, nutrition, and early child development: making the links. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1308(1), 118-128. Impact-Factor: 6.575